How to create a unified profile (Golden Customer Record) using Dynamics 365 Customer Insights – Part 2

Previously (Part 1), we learned about how we could ingest the data from various sources with the help of different Dynamics Power Query Connectors.

Now, let’s talk about how we could use this data to perform unification in Customer Insights and build a unique customer profile.


Customer Insights would require data from at least two data sources to perform the unification. So we’ll need to have the following:

  • Dynamics 365 Customer Insight Instance;
  • At least two data sources (we’ll use Dynamics 365 CE for Contact entity and Online Customers from Azure Blob Storage)
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How to create a unified profile (Golden Customer Record) using Dynamics 365 Customer Insights – Part 1

I recently had an opportunity to work on Dynamics 365 Customer Insights for a retail client who was envisioning to consolidate their customer’s information to achieve a true customer 360-degree view.

The main objective was to remove the silos of data that represents customer purchases, payments, website visits, marketing & social interactions and customer service requests.

With it’s pre-built AI model, Customer Insights was able to help with ingesting massive amounts of data from separate systems and leverage matching strategies to build a unique profile and showcase customer’s total lifetime value, churn risk, and more.

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